Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Anti-Mag Relaunches....

The Latest

Hello All...I trust you all had a nice holiday weekend, well those here in the United States. I'm working on some new featrues and will be introducing you to Sutherland Boswell, a young and talented photogrpaher as well as the spooferific talents of MC Lars. I just sent out a fresh batch of interviews so let's see what we come up with.

Check out Chef Shaya Klechevskey, one of AM's featured, on The Food Network's, Chopped!

I am in the process of looking for anyone who would like to contribute his writing talents. Please feel free to send me your writing samples and we can get started. Please respond to ladyd@anti-mag.com. I want to try and get some different perspectives, not just mine. I'm Michael Jacksoned out...no offense to the fans and I admired his talents, but I don't need a play by play of his life and death. Moving on....

And So it Goes...

Dear Ocean,
It has been a long time since I've seen your shores. It felt good to see your sandy beach and see the children laughing in your waves. I have not had the serene pleasure of taking off my sandals and entering your vastness in what seems like ages. Although cold at first, I got used to it quite quickly. You felt so good between my toes and up to my calves. How I miss you. How I miss the sound you make at night serenading me to sleep, how I miss the smell of your salty air, and how I miss basking in the sun. It seems odd to miss you, for you are only a few hours away, but here you are not so accessible. My life has become more about concrete and the clacking of high heels on marble floors. I want to have that tranquil feeling again even for a moment. As I watched the sun go down and sat there watching the fireworks, I thought of my youth, my family, and most of all home. It was a moment I put in my pocket for a later time in hopes I will revisit it soon.

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